Sunday, January 14, 2007

This little fellows got to get something worked out with those ears! Posted by Picasa
This could be our next champion - she's just gorgeous Posted by Picasa
Get that duck! Posted by Picasa
My folks thought I might need a friend so we went to look at puppies from Daisy and Alex Posted by Picasa
Taylor was just a bit excited for her first time in the spotlight - this will have to do for the "official" picture. Posted by Picasa
Allie looks on waiting for her turn. Posted by Picasa
Here's my winning pose Posted by Picasa
In January, I came out of retirement. Only one dog to beat. Posted by Picasa
This is not my favorite part of the holidays Posted by Picasa
Can I open presents now? Posted by Picasa
I let my friend Snickers come up out of the basement for Christmas.  Posted by Picasa
I got the best candy cane ever for Christmas! Posted by Picasa