Monday, July 18, 2005

Most of the girls (like Sydney here) have longer beards than mine. Someone needs to pay more attention to my needs. Posted by Picasa
Hey Sid Posted by Picasa
Sleepytime Posted by Picasa
Make me some dinner, then maybe I'll get up. Posted by Picasa
Here is what I look like when I get home from a show. It's hard to believe how worn out I get for 2 minutes of work in the ring. Posted by Picasa
Stretch it out now. I hope Kathy can keep up. Posted by Picasa
The judge is checking me for bad breath. Posted by Picasa
They made me wait in the goat barn before I could go in the ring. Not so bad, but I wish there were some goats to play with. Posted by Picasa
Here I am getting handsome for the Belvedere show Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I know there must be some fish down there somewhere! Posted by Picasa
While I will retrieve, there is no way of telling exactly where I will return the item to. Posted by Picasa
Maybe they should have a new breed - the Wet Wheaten Retriever. Posted by Picasa
When we got back to shore, I couldn't wait to get in the water! Posted by Picasa
I'm just resting while my family tries to catch me some fish for dinner. Posted by Picasa
On 4th of July weekend, we went boating on Pelican Lake, WI. I sure like to feel the wind through my hair. Posted by Picasa